Our commitment to Your success

Dedicated to Building Customer Driven Companies

Bang Consulting is dedicated to guiding businesses towards a future where customer-centricity drives every decision. With a holistic approach, we integrate deep customer insights with innovative strategies, ensuring your business not only meets but exceeds customer expectations. Discover how our expertise can help you achieve sustainable growth and make a positive impact.

Meet Nicky…

About Bang Consulting - Nicky Parker

It came to me in the car…

Where I get most of my good ideas! You too? Great we already have stuff in common then.

What came to me? I have been training for the moment when I realised I was born to be a customer consultant.

I have had a fascination and love for the customer all of my working life. At the age of 16 I started in retail in a private department store where the customer really was king/queen. I have changed course a few times, but the customer has always been my primary focus. When I trained as a marketer, more years ago than I would like to admit to, I learned customer centric businesses are usually the most successful in the world.

And now I get to feed my passion by working with B2B businesses to make them more customer centric. To help them keep their customers for longer, through better understanding and delivering exceptional customer experiences. Something I believe is not only possible but should be so much better in the B2B environment.

My background is in marketing - I’m a Chartered Marketer and Fellow of the CIM. I have spent around 30 years in marketing related roles, latterly running an agency supporting businesses with everything from strategy to execution. But my starting point was always the customer - what made them tick, why did they buy, what outcome did they get?

Outside of work, I have been a school governor for over 20 years. I am parachuted into schools who need support with leadership - be that the SLT or the governing board. I give time each week to my role and it is a hugely important part of my life. I am passionate about championing education for children, particularly those who do not have advocates of their own. I am also a Ballroom dancer, a keen cook/baker and avid reader.

I am a huge advocate for giving back, so well as my school governor role, I am Interim Chair for the Institute of Directors (IoD) Hampshire & IoW. And do additional adhoc voluntary roles and mentoring when time allows.


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